Restoration, 2004

Rear axle swap

Replacement rear axle cleaned and painted, as well as other parts. Rubbers and bushes changed. Brown color in the spring leafs is not rust, just some weird reflection because of flash. Have to order new shocks from UK.

Gas tank

"While there" (and while waiting shocks) I removed surface rusted gas tank and I'm going to clean and paint it too.

New shocks

New shock absorbers arrived, GAS adjustable.


All back there, still need to bleed brakes. And test drive after snow melts, mid April. Forgot to take picture of refurbished gas tank, but you can see a part of it in this picture. I painted the gas tank with POR-15 and acrylic finish paint. Didn't do anything to inside as it looked OK.
Comparison picture: left with Mk1 rear axle, right with the correct Mk2 one. Looks much better now. And worked fine on test drive.

Summer 2004

No plans to do anything during summer, just drive on sunny days! Maybe something next winter, see Still to do chapter. Picture taken in Oulu harbor, 100 year old tar storage huts behind.

Inside mirror

The original inside mirror had lost most of it's silvering. I bought a cheap replacement mirror which was little bit bigger than needed and cut it with Dremel to correct size. Luckily it was plastic, not glass like original. Easier to cut.

Rear springs

When more than 2 people on (or heavy cornering), my rear springs could no more carry the load. I ordered new ones and swapped them under. Seems to be better, both in looks and carrying the load. And the driving feeling improved also.

End of driving season

At mid October is the time to take Ms. Moneypit off from insurance and start winter hibernation and refurbishing. Here is the picture from last drive, at local dealership. The sun is already so low (even at noon) that the car is in shadow of dealer's building, resulting to too dark picture. Got to take better one next spring.

New leather for seats

New leather for seats arrived, from Aldridge, UK. Very beautyful work, I hope I can install them correctly. That should keep me busy this winter. Color is Old Beige. And yes, I know it is not original interior color of 1961 Cream Mk2, but so what. I wanted it. Matches quite well to my own made door vinyls etc.

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