Restoration, 2014

Some work in engine area.

Cooling system hoses, heater

While replacing cooling system hoses it was a good time to refurbish heater, which i have never touched before. Actually I do not need heater in my summer use, but just out of curiosity. It is quite difficult to remove, bottom nuts and control cable fixings are in quite difficult place. I flushed the heater core, cleaned fan motor contactor and painted the cover. And new hoses here too.

And after putting everything back it looked like this.

Cooling system expansion tank, sort of :)

As per original, Mk2 does not have radiator expansion tank, just a hose to spill overflow to ground. Which happens many times after drive on garage floor... So I made a sort of expansion tank from 1/2 litre beer can. Maybe it is more like spill overflow container because it doesn't draw fluid back to radiator (hose starts from above radiator cap seal) but let's hope it at least keeps overflow away from my garage floor. If I forget to empty it, there is still a small overflow pipe to ground.

I did not fasten tank in anyway, just squeezed between radiator and chassis. Let's see if it stays there or not.

Fusebox cover

My car did not have fusebox cover when I bought it. I bought cover from eBay years ago, but as fastening rod was also missing, I kept pushing forward installing it. Now I finally made a fastening rod and got the cover in place.

Hood inside insulation renewal

I did put insulation to hood when I got car repainted years ago, because I was afraid high temperatures in engine compartment may damge the paint in hood. As I earlier did not have radiator cowl, fan threw all kind of debris to insulation and it got bad looking. So now that I have radiator cowl in place (see 2012), I put a new insulation into hood.

When you find good hood position, drill small hole through hood hinge and hood hinge base. Putting pop-rivet into the hole, you will always get the same position after you remove the hood. And hood removal is easy and recommended in many operations, because working in engine compartment without hood is much much easier than under too little opening hood.

Brakefluid container

It seems natural cork survives 12 years in brake fluid. I replaced cork 2002 and now it started to sunk again. Well, replacement is cheap and easy, new cork floats fine.

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